Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Lesson learned about WS -interface design

I read a document IEC 61968-100 / Application integration at electric utilities –
System interfaces for distribution management –
Part 100: Implementation Profiles. Great advices how to implement WS-interfaces, on your application infrastructure, that comply with the standard. Some notes and thoughts below.

Start from Information Objects   

First thing for designing new WS-interfaces is to consider information objects that the new functionalities pertains to. If possible try to find standard  that defines objects and their naming conventions (noun) for you. There is a good chance that the same standard defines actors, roles and interaction patterns (verb) in that specific domain. If so, follow them as straight as possible.

Draw interaction and sequence diagrams

Draw interaction and sequence diagrams based on the use cases the interfaces are meant to be used for.

Define Service Semantics

Based on the diagrams, services are identified for the entire message flow. The naming of the services are based on their service pattern (based on the role in entire flow). Each service will have the same operation as indicated in the diagrams as messages, but have different service name.

Conventions for version controling

Use targetNamespace and version attributes to define the version of the used schema or wsdl.


<xs:schema targetNamespace="http://ORGANISATION/DOMAIN/STANDARD/RELEASE DATE OR YEAR/VERB + NOUN" version="1.0">

Add detailed version information with annotations

<xs:schema targetNamespace="http://ORGANISATION/DOMAIN/STANDARD/RELEASE DATE OR YEAR/VERB + NOUN" version="1.1">
       Major version 1.0 created in 2013/03/12
       Minor version 1.1 created in 2013/03/13 - one optional element added for the object xxx

Don't change targetNamespace in the minor backward compatible changes to avoid unnecessary WS-client rebuild. Data types are typically defined in the external schema files and imported in wsdl instead of being embedded for better version control.

Conventions for the wsdl 

Service and operation naming patterns can be used to implement strictly typed web services.

Wrapped Document style is normally used. 

  • document style means an XML document is included in a soap message. In the normally case, it is directly placed in the <soap:body>
  • if wsdl:operation name is the same as the input element name wsdl is considered as wrapped document style wsdl
  • The input message has a single part
  • The part is an element
  • The element has the same name as the operation
  • The element's complex type has no attributes

Operation name follows the Verb + Noun naming convention. The plural form of the information object name is used as a noun to avoid collisions within the xsd. For example CreateEndDeviceEvents

Service name -  <Service pattern name>+<Noun>. For example ReceiveEndDeviceEvents

Service patterns can be defined from used standard or the use cases the new interfaces are meant to be used for.

Role of the actor (service provider) in the message flow defines which service name pattern to use

Some common service naming conventions

To provide (send) information (information object) for public (enterprise) consumption. To be invoked by the system of record for the business object and only when the state of the business object has changed. This is normally used in conjunction with the verbs created, changed, closed, canceled and deleted. If ESB integration pattern that loosely couples the service provider and the consumer is used this naming pattern is applied with the interface the ESB provides for the consumers.

To consume (receive) information (business object) from an external source. This is used in conjunction with the verbs created, changed, closed, canceled and deleted. If ESB integration pattern that loosely couples the service provider and the consumer is used this naming pattern is applied with the interface the ultimate service provider provides.

To request another party to perform a specific service. This is used in conjunction with the verbs get, create, change, close, cancel and delete. If ESB integration pattern that loosely couples the service provider and the consumer is used this naming pattern is applied with the interface the ESB provides for the consumers.

To run a service provided to the public, which may include a state change request or a query request. This is used in conjunction with the verbs create, change, close, cancel and delete. If ESB integration pattern that loosely couples the service provider and the consumer is used this naming pattern is applied with the interface the ultimate service provider provides.

To reply with the result of the execution of a service (by the Execute service). This is used in conjunction with the verbs created, changed, closed, canceled and deleted.

To provide (show) information (business object) for public (enterprise) consumption, when the state of the business object is not changed, by the system of record or other system that has a copy of the same business object.

To request specific data of a business object to be provided.

Create template xsd:s and wsdl:s 

Create (or use those ones that comes with the used standard) template xsd:s and wsdl:s to support commonly used interaction patterns in your organisation. These templates will help you to follow selected best practices and reduce time consumed to produce new interface definitions.